Budgeting Made Easy

Finance 101: Your Guide to Investing, Financial Planning, Insurance, College Saving, Financial Independence, and Retirement show

Summary: Who LOVES budgeting?! *crickets* Budgeting can seem restricting. It takes the freedom away from you and how you spend your money. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this episode, I talk about shifting your mindset about budgeting and instead of thinking about it as restrictive, thinking about it as liberation. I talk about 3 main things that you must have in place in order to budget in the best way. 1) Mindset - Discipline = Freedom. If you have the discipline to save money now, you will have freedom down the road in retirement. 2) Map - You need to know where you are and where you want to be if you want to make a meaningful budget. Do you need to save more money in order to be where you want to be in retirement? Less? The same? Knowing where you are and where you want to be is the first step you need to take in order to start creating a purposeful budget. 3) Method - Anti-Budget. The anti-budget is the simplest form of budgeting out there. All you do is take out the money for investing and bills off the top of your paycheck, then spend the rest how you want. With that being said, it is still useful to know how much you are spending in certain areas, so budgeting tools can help. I use Pocket Guard to help me see where my money is going. It can be very helpful taking a step back from the day to day of life and seeing where your money actually went. To read the corresponding article to this podcast, go here: https://www.wholesomefinancial-brentdunn.com/blog/budgeting-made-easy Website: https://www.wholesomefinancial-brentdunn.com/ FB https://www.facebook.com/Bdunnfinance/ FB Finance 101 Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/finance101group/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Finance101_Blog Blog https://finance101.blog/ Linked In www.linkedin.com/in/brentdunn1 iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/finance-101-your-guide-to-investing-financial-planning/id1394097470?mt=2#