Keto Diet Plan, Myths and Truths with Dr. Dominic D' Agostino

Healthier show

Summary: Is Keto diet truly the savior for millions suffering from diabetes, Alzheimers, cancer, auto-immune diseases and obesity or is it yet another fad with serious side effects? Listen to Keto veteran, scientist Dr. Dominic D’Agostino who has not only been researching the Ketogenic diet but also claims its his secret to keeping up with the supermen astronauts as a crew member on NASA’s Extreme Environment Mission Operations 22 (NEEMO 22)! Dr. Dom D'Agostino is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He is also a research scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC). In this podcast, Dr. Dom shares what exactly is a Keto diet, why it actually works, who its right for and how it positively affects your body, mind, and energy. Key Questions answered and highlights: --------------------------------------------------------- 1. What is the Ketogenic diet for those of our listeners who are still scratching their heads going "Is it bacon and beef?" - A ketogenic diet is not a high protein diet, but a high fat diet. - The percentage of the calories that make up the Liberal/Modified keto diet at least 65-70% while 90% fat for Classical keto diet. - The balance of the calories (10-30%) will come from protein. - Ketogenic Diet mimics the metabolic state of fasting - When you're eating calories with the ketogenic diet ratios, your body produces these ketone bodies (beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate) which are break down products of fat. - Ketones are an alternative fuel for your brain to function on - The true litmus test is used measure your blood ketone levels and if they're not elevated, you're not in Ketosis. Urine ketone measurements can also be valuable and less expensive to first confirm you have reached ketosis. - It's the ratio of the macro-nutrients that define the Ketogenic Diet. 2. What does your plate need to look like? What does your typical meal plan look like? - Check The Ketogenic Bible for recipes and tips! Dr. Dom's Personal Keto Plan: Breakfast - 4 Egg Yolk Omelettes with Spinach and Mushroom - Salad w/ Dressing (Olive Oil + medium-chain triglyceride or MCT Oil + Herbs) Dinner - Greens like Asparagus, Brocolli - Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes (Cook Cauliflower until soft, Put in Food Processor, Add Salt and Pepper) - Fatty fish like Salmon or Trout Dessert - Ketogenic Choco Mousse (Sugar-free concentrated Coconut milk + Dark Chocolate Baking Cocoa + Crushed Almonds + Stevia + Cinammon) If you are OK with dairy sour cream can also be used. Benefits of Ketogenic diet and why Dr. D' Agostino does it: 1. Keeps him full and suppresses appetite from breakfast to dinner 2. Helps him keep up with top performers like astronauts when task loaded 3. Gives him more motivation and drive throughout the day 4. Gets more work done 5. Deeper sleep and less sleep requirement 6. Can function on 6.5 hours sleep 7. Functions better physically when forced into a sleep deprived state due work demands or travels 8. Cognitive resilience under sleep deprivation 9. No cravings because the food is higher in fat, it has a satiating effect. Dr. Dom follows a modified version of Ketogenic diet which has 20-30% protein and sometimes bumps protein calories a little high on weight training days. Don't miss the rest of the show notes and answers on which is the best MCT oil, who is Keto not right for and what are Dr. Dom's fav apps! Click here for rest of show notes