Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes and Other Menopause Symptoms with Dr. Zach Bush

Healthier show

Summary: In this podcast we have expert Dr. Zach Bush to talk about Menopause. Dr. Zach Bush is one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country, with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care. The breakthrough science that Dr Bush and his colleagues have delivered offers profound new insights into human health and longevity. To Learn how to have a symptom free menopause by listening to this podcast! Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights: ------------------------------------------------------- 01:36 1. What is going on with the female body during menopause? - Estrogen and Progesterone are only 2 of the 2000 hormones we know that are affecting your day to day life - If you're having sleep problems, hot flashes, decreased muscle mass, all of these are related to a estrogen and progesterone shift - There are a vast number of hormones involved - It's not necessary to have symptoms with menopause - The environment we live in are full of chemicals and toxins that are making us prone to an inflammatory baseline - If you have a low inflammation in the body, you are less likely to have symptoms through the transition 03:47 2. What's causing this inflammation that's forcing us to these symptoms? - It all comes down to what you do in your day - We now have chemicals integrated into the food chain - We're putting 4.5 Billion pounds of Glyphosate, a water soluble content, into our environment - Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Round Up used for farming - A large percentage of our wheat crop is sprayed with Glyphosate - The food we're consuming have toxins - In the case of a chronic inflammatory, we are exposing our immune system everday to an overwhelming amount of the outside world. - The immune system is designed to keep us out of the outside world - The gut lining starts from the nasal sinuses where you breath in and out - If you start consuming chemicals like Glyphosate, you overwhelm your immune system to the outside world which causes inflammation - If there's much constant injuries or much to attack, the immune system will start to run out of its coping mechanism and so every injury will produce this inflammatory cascade 07:55 3. Is that why we're starting to see something called perimenopause? Effects of Menopause: - Anxiety - Hot Flashes - Fractured Sleep - Major Depressive Episodes - Loss of Muscle Mass - Difficulty in Weight Loss - Brain Fog - All of these are symtoms of a hormonal shift in the body 08:35 4. Over 70% of women in menopause or perimenopause will experience hot flashes. Do you believe we should address it symptom by symptom? or Do you believe it's all about getting the body back into balance? - Estrogen and progesterone tie into the Hot Flash phenomenon - Estrogen is a pro-inflammatory, pro-growth anabolic compound - Progesterone is the opposite, which is an amino suppresant that modulates the immune system so that you don't get it out of control - Progesterone deficiency is one of the leading cause of infertility - When progesterone decreases, too much estrogen will result to hot flashes and rest of symptoms - The last thing you would want on an inflamed cell is a growth factor - It would take 4 pounds of greens to create 48 ounces of juice - Juicing, when overdone, can be a vulnerable point where you can get an enormous amount of toxin - The only reason why you need progesterone is because you have a chronic inflammation - You need to look at a major lifestyle prevention to reduce an inflammatory state For rest of the insights and takeaways from the show, click this link! >>