Best Ways to Detox Your Body for Health with Dr. Daniel Pompa

Healthier show

Summary: Learn how to detox at the cellular level. Dr. Pompa is a renowned leader in detox, educating practitioners and patients on the root cause of inflammation driven diseases such as autoimmune disorders, weight gain, hypothyroid, diabetes, chronic fatigue and more. Listen and learn how to journey back to health through cellular healing and detox. Key questions and insights: --------------------------------------------------------- 02:04 1. How did you get to where you are today? Tell us about your toxicity issues and how you healed yourself? - Dr. Pompa's story of toxicity and healing - "I didn't choose it, it chose me"- "I'm healthier today than ever before 04:30 2. Can auto-immune diseases be reversed based on your two decades of practice? - Yes! The key is to figure out what the actual triggers of your disease are - Remove the interferences and the body will heal 05:34 3. What's interfering with our body? What is giving me this auto-immune disorder? - The body doesn't know the difference between the physical, chemical and emotional stressors. - We've been exposed to the chemicals that disrupt our brains and nerve systems such as Heavy metals: Mercury, Aluminum, Lead. - List of other stressors to our body and mind 06:40 4. Where are these chemicals coming from? Triggers: 1. Mercury - The no. 1 adult exposure are amalgam fillings. It goes from mother to baby in utero. - The Drash study: The number of fillings in your mouth is proportional to how much mercury you find in the baby's brain on autopsy 2. Lead - The no. 1 source of lead is the mother as well- It's the massive exposure that we get, and it starts with the womb 3. Mold - Comes from water damage, the way we're building modern buildings, high humidity 4. Glyphosate - Glyphosate is a new problem, a chemical being sprayed in our food supply. It is sprayed in round up, on everything we're eating. - Glyphosate is allowing heavy metals to cross deeper into the brain. - Our children are being exposed to this chemical creating an epidemic of dementia, Alzheimer's, fatigue, etc. 10:25 5. How do we test for it? Is there a series of tests that can be done? - For heavy metals, there's no perfect test because we have to really look in the brain The visual contrast sensitivity test - $10 - - Looks at contrast ability which looks at neurotoxins in the brain 12:45 6. What test do you recommend for parasites? - Doctor's data, Genova labs, Metametrix, etc. Viome: - $98 - Microbiome test 13:53 7. Is there a test for mold? The visual contrast test C4 test - Blood test - looks at immune reaction Urine test - last resort - more expensive - looks at microbiome in urine 14:44 8. How useful is the Comprehensive Wellness Profile in identifying what the triggers for chronic illness might be? 3 Legged Stool: 1. Genes - Very few disease are genetic - Most epigenetic issues are switched on by stressors - We can turn off those genes 2. Stressors - We have to turn off these stressors - Remove the stressors to remove the gene 3. Microbiome - The microbiome makes us human - We're more bacteria than cells - The microbiome has to be restored to turn off bad bacteria and turn on good ones For rest of the insights and takeaways from the show, click this link! >>