The R.I.F.T. Network at Central Pa-racon in Willaims port Pa.

The RIFT Radio Podcast Network show

Summary: In an effort to help the Central Pennsylvania community, a new, unique way of fundraising was brought on as an idea by paranormal investigators from the Junior Investigating Paranormal Society. John and Debi Covey have been investigating the paranormal for nearly 10 years, and have been featured on numerous international paranormal radio shows/podcasts, in a paranormal documentary, and have conducted nearly 200 investigations. The idea of starting a convention in the historic city of Williamsport was solely behind one back to the community.  "This event will be the first of it's kind for many years to come," said John. "The idea was this: bring together a different variety of paranormal researchers and enthusiasts to a claimed-to-be-haunted location, collaborate with one another, all while fundraising for a great cause!"    Come join The R.I.F.T. Network , as Howie comes to Pa, and speaks for the first time in over two years in public. Come join this first annual Paracon@ The Historic Pajama Factory as we go live from the event on Saturday the 11th . Come meet speakers such as :Bill Freeman, Paul Dixon & Tina Williamson, David Caltride, Mellisa Leeper ,and Bill and Kristin Reap,as well as meeting The Hitman himself !    The Hitman will be going LIVE @ 2 pm EST, with live feeds on our Fan page throughout the day !