5 Steps to Developing a Simple and Intentional Life

Small Scale Life show

Summary: <p>This is our 80th Episode!  Whoo hooo!  For this episode, we are shifting gears a bit on this episode, and you are going to get to learn a lot more about our story.  My guest and I (and other celebrities who stop by) are going to talk about going from high paying, fast-paced lifestyles to slower-paced, more simple lives with less stuff.  How does one achieve that? Where does one begin?  My guest and I have some ideas, and in this episode, we are going to discuss the 5 Steps to Developing a Simple and Intentional Life.</p> <p>In this episode, my wife Julie Domres is my special guest, and we discuss some of Before we get to that, let me ask you a couple questions: does your stuff stress you out?  Do all the materials, goods, and things in you house and garage give you a sense of dread or anxiety?  My guest and I are going to take you on a journey.</p> <h3>Show Notes for 5 Steps to Developing a Simple and Intentional Life</h3> <p>In this podcast, Julie and I discussed the following topics and links:</p> <h3>Friends of Small Scale Life (see below)</h3> <ul> <li>Gnarled Knot Design</li> <li>Nature's Image Farms</li> </ul> <h3>Introductions</h3> <ul> <li>Who is Julie?</li> <li>What has been happening the past couple weeks?</li> <li>Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreat - Family Life</li> <li>Moving Our Stuff Home</li> </ul> <h3>Our Story </h3> <ul> <li>Moving Out and Storing Stuff</li> <li>Planting Our Flag in North Minneapolis</li> <li>Schemes and Ideas</li> <li>Decision Process and Finalizing "The Plan"</li> <li>Our Journey to Develop a Simple and Intentional and Life</li> <li>Survival Mode and Chasing Dollars</li> <li>Jobs, Kids and Life</li> </ul> <h3>Minimalism - Learn, Do and Grow in Motion</h3> <ul> <li>How did we find Minimalism?</li> <li>Tom - Local Author and Blogger Aaron Clarey - Captain Capitalism Website</li> <li>Julie - The Minimalism Documentary</li> <li>Going to see the Minimalists in Minneapolis (link to podcast of the event)</li> <li>Other Minimalists</li> <li>Josh Becker - Becoming Minimalist</li> <li>Colin Write - Exile Lifestyle</li> <li>Patrick Rhone - Minneapolis Author of "Enough"</li> <li>What does it mean to us?</li> </ul> <h3>5 Steps to Developing a Simple and Intentional Life</h3> <ul> <li>Eliminating Clutter</li> <li>Reducing Time Commitments</li> <li>Reducing and Eliminating Debt</li> <li>Replacing Screens with Reality and People</li> <li>Defining What's Truly Important in Your Life</li> </ul> <h3>Putting It All Together</h3> <ul> <li>Key Topics, Thank You's and What's Coming Up</li> </ul>