FLOW #8 - Learning How to Harness the Innate Power of Productive Obsession

Social Anxiety Society show

Summary: You're listening to the 8th episode of the Humans 2.0 podcast, solo-series, FLOW! As crazy people, when we start something...we do not stop. Get obsessed with everything you want in your life and watch what happens in your life. <br><br>“Obsession is the wellspring of genius and madness.” - Michel de Montaigne<br><br>A productive obsession arises from our interests, passions, and meaning-making needs. <br><br>An unproductive obsession arises from our doubts, fears, and anxieties. Because we're a petty anxious species, most of our obsessions tend to be of the unproductive variety. For most people, it takes a bit of practice and intentionality to create productive obsessions, whereas unproductive obsessions tend to arise of their own accord out of our anxieties.<br><br>The power of obsession is so immense that one could harness it to achieve the most impossible, in a flick. Often, the word obsession is perceived in a negative glance. This makes most of us deprived of the achievements which could be made through the use of this mental asset. Obsession is the repetitive thought and compulsion is the action following this repetitive thought. It’s a fire ignited within the mind; always flaring, always motivating the action. Have we ever realized what all could one achieve if one is capable of instigating a positive obsession and trapping it to fuel the progressive action?<br><br>Obsession makes the people forget all their limitations and practical barriers- be it social, psychological or physical. Just a clumsy state and the goal in mind; a focused approach; complete focus; an absolute state of oneness; no distractions!<br><br>Please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram, Twitter or via email <a href="mailto:mark@vudream.com">mark@vudream.com</a><br><br>Humans 2.0 Twitter - <a href="https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast</a><br>Twitter - <a href="https://twitter.com/markymetry" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/markymetry</a><br>Medium - <a href="https://medium.com/" rel="noopener">https://medium.com/</a>@markymetry<br>Facebook - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mark.metry.9" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/mark.metry.9</a><br>Instagram - <a href="https://www.instagram.com/markmetry/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/markmetry/</a><br>LinkedIn - <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-metry/" rel="noopener">https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-metry/</a><br>Mark Metry - <a href="https://www.markmetry.com/" rel="noopener">https://www.markmetry.com/</a>