126: Breaking Past Your Limiting Beliefs

Bucci Radio show

Summary: Welcome to this solo episode of Bucci Radio! I'm feeling really peaceful today and wanted to share something amazing with you from this book I'm reading. It's all about upper limits and how much happiness we allow ourselves to have. This might sound crazy now, but I just want to dive right in. IN THIS EPISODE WE LEARN ABOUT:  Learning about and expanding our upper limits through risk Adopting someone else's definition of what happiness & success are Believing in our potential Manufacturing problems for ourselves when it seems things are going too well Finding comfort in bonding through negativity & discomfort Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Feeling happiness for other people Self-sabotage & the victim mindset Constant worries, fears, & doubts Analysis of shining The beauty of your process TOP QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF TO BREAK PAST YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS - 22:53 Will you allow yourself to transcend your current level of tolerance for happiness? Can you commit to letting yourself win? Will you commit yourself to empowering yourself to reaching your limitless potential? Will you commit to taking the next big risk for yourself? Will you commit to doing that next scary thing so you can feel what it's like to transcend that a little more? Are you committed to staying curious and learning about your upper limits? Will you commit to allowing yourself to continue going up the ladder and realizing that you can, realizing that the ladder is there for you and not just other people? Are you committed to having an enjoyable time while doing it and not beating yourself up for being in a process?