EP 225: Wapiti Wednesday with Ed Screey

The Rich Outdoors show

Summary: <br> In this episode, I am joined by long-time elk hunter and predator caller Ed Sceery. Growing up Sceery game calls were a staple in my hunting pack. In fact, the first elk I ever called in was with a scenery Hyper Hot Cow Call. It is always a pleasure getting to chat with those with many years experience on me, they tend to have the best stories. In this episode, Ed shares his early days of working horseback for the forest service and finding a love for the mountains as well as elk hunting. We chat about the early days of learning to call coyotes and making a living off coyote hides. We also talk elk hunting of course and tactics learned in a lifetime of studying animals.<br> Tune in every Wednesday morning from now through October for the best Elk hunting stories, Tactics, and more on The Rich Outdoors Wapiti Wednesday. If you enjoy Wapiti Wednesday be sure to give it a share and a review on iTunes.<br> Thank you so much for tuning in every week!<br> <br> This episode brought to you by Phelps Game Calls. If you fancy yourself an elk hunter and don’t have some Phelps amp diaphragms in your bag of tools, you are not doing it right. Take it from me I have tested nearly every, if not every diaphragm on the market past and present and these things are hands down far and away the best there is. Phelps game calls are consistent which is one thing I drive me nuts about other calls. Jason Phelps the owner is an amazing elk caller for one, but more importantly he a brilliant engineer, and obsessive about quality, which makes his calls consistent and super high quality. If you haven’t been able to use a diaphragm call before, first off you need to learn, and second buy yourself a few amp frames to learn on these are far and away the easiest calls to learn on. I don’t care what anyone says being able to call will make you a better hunter. doesn’t mean you gotta call all the time, but having the ability can mean the difference in a week-long hiking trip and eating Elk steaks all winter. I prefer the ladder. Phelps game calls are finally in stock again, but you better order fast because last year they sold out of a lot of reeds before the season. Get free shipping on your order with the code TRO. Go get you a pile of reeds and start practicing now!<br> <br> This Episode brought to you by Backcountry Fuel Box. I know what a lot of you are thinking. I’m not really a subscription box kind of person, but hear me out. This is the one subscription box you need. Backcountry Fuel Box is a monthly box of backcountry meals, snacks, bars, and all kinds of food for your next adventure. This box will introduce you to so many cool brands that you may have never heard of before, Brands Like Protein Puck, which are delicious by the way, Fbomb nut butter, Bgood Bars, Rugged Meat sticks, Greenbelly Meals, and so many more. Each month is different, new products for you to test out and try. You can also just stock up and save each months box of goodies for your upcoming hunting season. Either way, the Backcountry Fuel Box is the best way to test out, Stock up, and save money on the products you need anyway without having to order each one or even pay to ship. Head over to <a href="http://backcountryfuelbox.com">backcountryfuelbox.com</a> and get signed up today. Use the TRO code to save 10% of your subscription. So far we have had nothing but super positive feedback with less than one percent of people unsubscribing. My goal is to create a truly great service that I would want to have and be apart of myself so I hope you guys like it and judging by the feedback I think we are doing really well.<br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rich-outdoors-hunting-podcast/id981781015?mt=2"></a><br> <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-rich-outdoors-podcast"></a><br> <br> <br>