#117 - D.I.Y vs. Hire the Pro, Move to Italy Workshop, Politics & Jeremiah Tower's Thoughts on Food

Podcast from Italy: Ashley & Jason Bartner show

Summary: Holy Smokes - it's a crap-shoot most days in Italy if you will get everything crossed off your to-do list. The fireplace and kitchen are damn near done just in time for guests to arrive in less than a week! Which makes us pose the question - when to D.I.Y and when to hire the pros...A SPEICAL OFFER for our Podcast Listeners for our Move to Italy Workshops! Jaosn comments on Jeremiah Tower's article/interview in Bon Apetite and cooking with what's in fashion vs. what's in season.  A little local gossip of course and the usual updates from our farmhouse. What happens when you have credit card fraud in Italy? (Pray it doesn't happen) A few thoughts on the election coverage and politics in Italy. And GPS vs. an old school DRIVING MAP! Be sure to head to our blog - latavolamarche.blogspot.com for photos promissed in the podcast!