#44 - Jenn Edden | Stop Consuming Sugar, the World's Most Popular Addictive and Dangerous Drug

Social Anxiety Society show

Summary: Today's episode features Jenn Edden, certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a health coach specializing in sugar addiction and empowerment coaching. <br><br>Jenn supports individuals to take back their lives and health by making small tweaks to food and lifestyle choices while addressing how much mindset plays a role in long-term success.<br><br>Sugar eases pain, is more addictive than cocaine and shows every sign of causing long-term health problems. <br><br>Humans 2.0 Podcast Questions:<br>2:20 - How do you spend your time here on Planet Earth?<br>3:45 - Widespread Sugar Addiction / Why are you focused on Sugar?<br>6:40 - Jenn's Explosive Wake Up Call<br>8:00 - Modern Day Slow Motion Epidemic of Sugar Addiction<br>13:30 - What kind of food should people be eating?<br>16:45 - Blood Type Food Diet Tests<br>19:45 - How to find what foods are good for your body?<br>21:30 - What's the deal with gluten (bread, pasta)?<br>23:15 - What foods have iodine? <br>24:20 - Are multivitamins and supplements good for you?<br>28:10 - Classic, I don't have time to eat healthy excuse<br>31:10 - Current Broken Symptom-based Healthcare system<br>33:30 - Practical Steps to a Complex Sugar Addiction Problem<br><br>Jenn Edden's Short Autobiography:<br><br>I grew up in a family where depression and anxiety felt like a constant for me and my mom and dad… my brother’s, I have 2 of them, seemed to be immune to it.<br><br>I didn’t like my body very much. I became an anorexic and bulimic for a brief period but still always seemed to have those last 10 lbs to lose. I was a super nervous kid and sugar addict. I mean ADDICT. I could eat a ½ gallon of Turkey Hill mint chocolate chip ice cream in one sitting. Yup. I also remember my mom having to pull me out of school mid-day because I would be sweating so badly that no amount of deodorant or clean shirts would help me. In high school I had TMJ and my mouth would wire shut in for hours on end from being so stressed out socially.<br><br>The one thing I had going for me is that I always knew there was a better way I just didn’t have the HOW at the time. I tried every diet out there and every exercise program… I even tried meditating but could never sit still long enough.… I always wanted to feel better and get those six pack abs but I didn’t know the how. I just knew I wanted a better life and body. I also didn’t know that eating ice cream, cookies and candy &amp; skipping meals were a huge part of the mind and body problems I was experiencing.<br><br>We all eat mostly organic and watch the amount of dairy and gluten because all the added chemicals and hormones really do make you feel crazy! And gluten and dairy really do zap your energy when eaten every day.<br><br>I have also dedicated my life to helping other women, especially women biz owners, who feel like sugar has taken over their life, to take back their power, not through denial or dieting, rather by learning new ways to eat, work and live If they’ve got a business I help them get clear on where they’re headed so they can make mo’ money! You see, I’ve been there with feeling unclear and unmotivated with sugar ruling my every move. I wish I had the knowledge I now possess that gives me the focus and clarity I need to run a successful business while keeping my body in the best shape possible (and balancing a home life with a family!)<br><br>Did you know that sugar cravings are the body’s way of telling you that something needs to change? When my clients start to make changes in their lives and tweak their diets, the cravings start to diminish and their energy shoots up. Yup. It’s kinda cool how that works.<br><br>~ Listen to the Podcast in Audio Form ~ <br>iTunes - <a href="http://apple.co/2w2igRz" rel="noopener">http://apple.co/2w2igRz</a><br>Google Play - <a href="http://bit.ly/2i520dh" rel="noopener">http://bit.ly/2i520dh</a><br>Stitcher -