Mrs. Frugalwoods on DIY, buying a rural property, the myth of used things, and simple living

Fire Drill show

Summary: Liz a.k.a. Mrs. Frugalwoods left her city life to move to a homestead in Vermont with her husband and daughter. She's now pregnant with their second child and loving rural living. We talk to Liz about the impact of frugal living on a person's development and the environment, her financial independence journey, and tips for those considering homesteading or buying rural property.<br> <br> We LOVED our chat with Liz and think you'll enjoy it too. It may even motivate you to go roadside scavenging next weekend for free clothes and furniture!<br> <br> For show notes and takeaways:<br> We also chat about...<br> <br> Collecting homesteading skills, <br> Embracing the power of DIY and insourcing, <br> Mr. Frugalwood's chainsaw chaps (what are these?), <br> Raising kids with all used things, <br> Guidelines for dumpster diving &amp; where Liz draws the line, <br> The environmental aspect of frugal living, <br> Looking good on less. <br> For show notes and takeaways: