Dual Citizenship as a Tool for Financial Independence, Canadian Personal Finance, and Dividend Investing | Tawcan

Fire Drill show

Summary: Tawcan is Taiwanese and Canadian. His wife is Danish and Canadian. Their kids have Canadian citizenship and could possibly get Danish citizenship too. This dual citizenship opens up tremendous doors for their family. Tawcan is currently happy in Canada but with the rising cost of housing, he could sell their family home and move the family overseas. Tawcan (Bob in real life) is actually the second guest we've had on to discuss Canadian Personal Finance and how Canadians can achieve financial independence.<br> <br> For show notes and takeaways: https://firedrillpodcast.com/fire055<br> You'll love Bob and his story.<br> <br> We also chat about...<br> <br> Canadian equivalents of 401(k)s including the RRSP, <br> The crazy Canadian Housing Market, <br> Property Brothers (sorry had to go there), <br> The Benefits of dual citizenship, <br> Visas, <br> Dividend Income, <br> Photography side hustles, <br> How to set your pricing, <br> The ethics of profiting off wedding hysteria.