#24 A special blue moon episode with Vanessa Sage on intuitive tarot magic for ourselves

Daydreaming Wolves Podcast show

Summary: Hey friends, happy almost blue moon to you! I have a really special episode for you to celebrate this magical moon - Vanessa Sage came back on the show (listen to the first episode with her, #9, if you haven`t already) to talk about intuitive tarot magic and finding confidence, inspiration and comfort through the cards. We had a chat about finding the right deck, making little rituals out of readings, giving yourself permission to approach the cards with unwashed hair and uncertain questions, trusting your intuitive interpretations and finding your own voice as a reader. Vanessa Sage’s work focuses on self-compassion, inner-bravery, and discovering the mystery in our everyday lives. She offers spiritual and business mentorship, Priestess training, and tarot readings to help you enchant your everyday, bring your imagination to life, and listen to your wild soul’s calling! She has a PhD in cultural anthropology, and spent many years studying Buddhism, pilgrimage, and alternative spirituality as an anthropologist of religion. You can find her at http://vanessasage.com/ and sign up for the free Tarot Love Month program here: http://vanessasage.com/tarot-love-month/ Learn more about the Sage Intuitive Tarot School here: http://vanessasage.com/sage-intuitive-tarot-school-level-one/ ⋒ Hi, my name is Yarrow and I am your host. My podcast Daydreaming Wolves explores ritual, politicized healing and creative expression through interviews and solo episodes. I live a soft & slow life in Scotland and create rituals and ceremonies for the big and small milestones in life. I also write, make textile art, cuddle my dogs, swim in the sea all year and do a lot of queer dreaming. You can learn more about my work and become a patron to support the show and access my book, my zines, live workshops & seasonal programs at YarrowMagdalena.com. More info about my web design & business mentoring work is at YarrowDigital.com ⋒