33: The War on Developer Productivity

The Art of Product show

Summary: <p>Derrick recounts his last day at Drip - from being locked out, the elevator breaking, turning in parking passes, wearing a shirt saying “Quit Your Day Job,” to happy hour.</p> <p>Although he has a feeling of being free now, he is bummed about not seeing his co-workers every day. However, he is excited to share his plans and personal mission for the near future - a project called, Level, based on balance, not chaos.</p> <p>Today’s Topics Include:</p> <p>Derrick’s Manifesto: What he is now doing and thinking<br> Building a prototype to get rid of Slack in the workplace<br> Wants to develop ways to improve team communication<br> Parts of Slack are awesome, while others are not<br> Chat is not an effective communication mode for teams<br> Important conversations can get lost in the chatter<br> Snoozing is stressful; can be taken negatively and feel like being ignored<br> Inbox should be included and organized by threads<br> Anything that is important and needs to be addressed should be in a thread<br> Slack is not meant for actionable items, but people use it for that<br> Derrick’s tool will have both sync and async, which can be married; will be difficult to misuse it<br> Some tools become addictive and disruptive to human nature<br> Pushing through notification barriers and specifying priority; a list that prioritizes items and deadlines<br> Step 1 to creating such a tool: Do your homework by talking to teams of developers<br> Ben’s March will consist of meditating, squats, and handstands - while working on goals; Derrick wants to achieve reading and personal fitness goals every day, as well as shipping something open source</p> <p>If you’re enjoying the show please give us your ratings and reviews in <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-art-of-product/id1243627144?mt=2">iTunes</a>.</p> <p>Links and resources:</p> <p><a href="http://www.derrickreimer.com/posts/the-war-on-developer-productivity/" rel="nofollow">The War on Developer Productivity (And How I Intend to Win It)</a><br> <a href="https://www.drip.co">Drip</a><br> <a href="https://slack.com/" rel="nofollow">Slack</a><br> <a href="https://thoughtbot.com/" rel="nofollow">Thoughtbot</a><br> <a href="https://www.drip.com/about" rel="nofollow">Rob Walling</a><br> <a href="https://zenfounder.com/entrepreneurs-guide-keeping-st-together/" rel="nofollow">The Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your S**t Together by Sherry Walling </a><br> <a href="http://zerotoonebook.com/about" rel="nofollow">Zero to One book</a><br> <a href="http://www.benorenstein.com/" rel="nofollow">Ben Orenstein Website</a></p>