Race, Wealth & Small Steps with Monica Mitchell

The Race and Wealth Podcast Network show

Summary: Dedrick & Dyalekt discuss a new huffpo piece by Dedrick & Natalie Gerber about African Immigrants, Rev Dr King's accomplishments vs his legacy, and speak to Monica Mitchell about her new OpEd Racial Wealth Divide Praxis: Taking Economic Empowerment Into Your Own Hands B/W 'One Step' by The Evoloutionaries https://prosperitynow.org/blog/racial-wealth-divide-praxis-taking-economic-empowerment-your-own-hands https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/african-immigrants-immigrating-into-a-racial-wealth_us_5a539aa9e4b0cd114bdb353c ProsperityNow.org @prosperitynow @dedrickm Dyalekt.com @dyalektraps https://louiskling.bandcamp.com/track/one-step @symphonic17