VFTB 386: The Memo and the State of Our Union

A View from the Bunker show

Summary: A POLITICAL whirlwind tore through D.C. this past week. President Trump delivered his first State of the Union address and GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee released their long-awaited memo. In short: It was the best speech of Donald Trump’s life and possibly the best SOTU since Reagan, and the memo outlines a scandal that is far bigger than Watergate. Check out the new video version of A View from the Bunker. And please subscribe to the VFTB YouTube channel for automatic updates when new shows are ready! Derek’s best-selling book The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon is now available for Kindle and Nook e-readers! Read the series of articles leading up to the official release at TheGreatInception.com. Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details. Discuss these topics at the VFTB Facebook page and check out the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network. And we are proud be part of the Fringe Radio Network!