#35 - John Sciarretta | Molestation, Addiction, and Homelessness to Mental Minute Project Revolution

Social Anxiety Society show

Summary: John Sciarretta is the Founder of the Mental Minute Project: Tackling the stigma of mental health, one Instagram video at a time. <br><br>John's story is a tale of struggle, determination, and perseverance. I met John online and after sharing with me his story I truly am inspired to help as many people as possible. If you found John interesting please go to Instagram and follow the "mentalminuteproject".<br><br>It’s 2018, and there is still this stigma that can often surround mental health illnesses. John Sciarretta in efforts to break the silence of mental health, began an Instagram account called the Mental Minute Project, and it’s for people to record minute-long videos that share their stories and how they deal with their mental illness.<br><br>John had no idea that it was going to take off the way it did. Within weeks, more than 100 videos were on the page, with people from 21 states and 6 countries sharing their struggles with one another. Mental health professionals from around the world have reached out to John to let him know how helpful those videos have been when it comes to helping their patients. One Texas doctor said the videos helped him save the life of a patient who was suicidal.<br><br>2:20 - John Sciarretta's Hero's Journey<br>24:05 - John's Next Step Forward to Mental Health Help<br>34:20 - Widespread 2018 Mental Health Awareness<br>35:00 - First step towards helping humanity<br>40:30 - Story of Lewis Howe's Mask of Masculinity - Vulnerability<br>42:30 - How to Break the Unfortunate Stigma of Mental Health <br>46:30 - Power of Instagram to break Human Cultural Reality Tunnel<br>47:10 - Is technology a bad tool for mental health?<br>51:30 - Speed of Incoming Technology and Parenting Generations<br><br>If you would like more information on John please check out the following links below:<br><br>Mental Minute Project - <a href="https://www.instagram.com/mentalminuteproject/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/mentalminuteproject/</a><br>John's Instagram - <a href="https://www.instagram.com/johnlucio23/?hl=en" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/johnlucio23/?hl=en</a><br>John's Facebook - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/john.sciarretta" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/john.sciarretta</a><br><br>Humans 2.0 Twitter - <a href="https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast</a><br>Twitter - <a href="https://twitter.com/markymetry" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/markymetry</a><br>Medium - <a href="https://medium.com/" rel="noopener">https://medium.com/</a>@markymetry<br>Facebook - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mark.metry.9" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/mark.metry.9</a><br>Instagram - <a href="https://www.instagram.com/markmetry/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/markmetry/</a><br>LinkedIn - <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-metry/" rel="noopener">https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-metry/</a><br>Mark Metry - <a href="https://www.markmetry.com/" rel="noopener">https://www.markmetry.com/</a>