035: Eating Out and Staying On Track

Bucci Radio show

Summary: Wanna know I eat out at least 2-3x a week, and can STILL stay on track with my fitness goals? - In today's episode of @bucciradio , that's exactly what I wanted to show you how to do for yourself. - I wanted to cover a highly requested topic that I get asked constantly (especially from those of you who follow my Instagram stories over on @amandabuccifit , team #MacroEstimating where you at?!). - This is something that took me a lot of practice to master, but I was that crazy person who practiced weighing my food and visualizing portion sizes at all different kinds of public locations - Yep, food scale and all (I was prepping for a competition and took my IIFYM v seriously). - I want to show you how I do it now (without the scale) so you can feel confident to go out to eat with friends, family, or coworkers without the added stress of the outing affecting your progress. - Find out all the details of today's episode! - You can join the Bucci Radio VIP Community by heading to patreon.com/bucciradio if you love the podcast so much, and want extra episodes of my thoughts of previous interviews + more Q&As!