042: Lori Harder - Up-Level Your Life, Build Your Tribe, & Earn Your Happy

Bucci Radio show

Summary: Today’s Bucci Radio guest is one of the top 3 females I admire, Lori Harder! Lori is a 10x cover model, TED X speaker, the host of the live event, The Bliss Project, as well as the host of her fitness challenges and podcast called “Earn Your Happy.” She’s also a network marketing power house and soon to be published author! IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: Lori’s struggle with her body and weight Network marketing and her story being involved Her rockbottom with nutrition and weight Masterminds and why Lori and her husband Chris utilize them How you can always level-up by surrounding yourself with others Lori’s strategies with business and personal growth Fitness challenges and how she made them successful Building your tribe Self-motivation and doing your own schedule Perspective and gratitude practices How to tell people no Lori’s TED X Talk experience Her new book coming soon IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ASKED: 7:10 - Can you walk us through your journey with network marketing? 14:00 - Why do you join a Mastermind? 19:45 - How else do you level up in your life? 22:00 - What is your experience with fitness challenges? How have they helped you build your tribe? What is your advice? 27:48 - What is the hardest thing about Entrepreneurship? 29:40 - How do you keep health and fitness in the forefront of your life when you’re so busy? 31:05 - How do you maintain healthy, loving relationships with those around you when you’re so busy? 33:35 - What was your biggest learning experience in the last few months? QUOTES AND LINKS: “It wasn’t until my teen years, when I really started reading fitness magazines that I realized that maybe my genetics weren’t just the only thing at play.” “I didn’t want to just create a physical transformation, I wanted to create a mindset transformation.” “If I don’t force myself to be around really up-leveled people and am forcing myself to connect, I know I'm missing a huge piece.” “Putting yourself in those situations is one of the most beautiful ways to up-level.” “Be so you, in whatever room you show up in.” You can find Lori on her website www.loriharder.com,  podcast “Earn Your Happy”, as well as on her Instagram! Find out the details by listening to the full Bucci Radio episode on iTunes, Google Play, and Soundcloud! You can join the Bucci Radio VIP Community by clicking the link if you love the podcast so much, and want extra episodes with my thoughts of previous interviews + more Q&As! xo Amanda