November 8, 2015 - Hour 1

THE BIGGER PICTURE with Timothy Spangler show

Summary: "I'm lovin' it!" After a heart-breaking 10 month absence, French fries have returned to McDonald's restaurants across Venezuela. Unfortunately, they now come with a hefty price, as well. So it's a not-so-Happy Meal now, I guess... At the official government exchange rate, the problem is jaw-dropping. An order of fries currently costs the Venezuelan equivalent of $78.75, more than the price for a burger and drink. Despite the initial enthusiasm that greatest the initial news reports, the bitter reality is that the supply problems related to French fries demonstrates the serious structural problems with the Venezuelan economy. So much for the "Super Size Me" official exchange rates! Meanwhile, the world continued to lurch from one ridiculous story to another: * A bootleg KFC opened in the Iranian capital was shut down by officials with some reports citing its U.S.-inspired decor as the reason. * The Guinness Brewing company announced fish bladders are being eliminated from the brewing process to allow vegans and vegetarians to enjoy the company's beer. * Officials at a Brazilian prison said they captured a trained mouse used by prisoners to shuttle drugs and other contraband between cells at the facility. * Finland has rolled out its own set of emoji to reflect "important things" associated with the country including a man and a woman enjoying a sauna, an "unbreakable" Nokia 3310 smartphone and a head-banger reflecting a Finnish appreciation for hard rock. * A job posting by British supermarket Tesco is seeking a part-time worker with a very specific set of skills: A "Christmas Light Untangler. Call us this Sunday night between 10pm and midnight during the live broadcast of THE BIGGER PICTURE on 866-870-5752 (or 866-870-KRLA). Let us know what you're thinking about the state of the world we live in today!