September 4, 2016 - Hour 2

THE BIGGER PICTURE with Timothy Spangler show

Summary: ADAM SHELL, documentary filmmaker known for "Put the Camera on Me" (2003) and "Finding Kraftland" (2007), is our special guest this Sunday night! The gap between our desire for happiness and our failure to find actual examples of happiness was the impetus for ADAM's current documentary, "Pursuing Happiness," which has earned audience and critical acclaim at film festivals and will be released in theatres later this year. Over the course of nearly two years, he put the pieces of the film together from interviewing over a dozen experts in the fields of psychology, spirituality, mindfulness, and the arts, to going on the road to track down America's happiest people. The people ADAM finds are as diverse and complex and as ordinary as one might imagine - street artists, public officials, parents - just regular folks who for whatever reason are a center of joy and meaning for everyone around them. The end result is a documentary that is not only uplifting and affirmative as ADAM intended, but also poignant and brutally honest in examining the delicate balance between profound happiness and mournful sorrow. Hear our live interview with ADAM SHELL this Sunday evening on KRLA 870AM!