January 29, 2017 - ALEX LYRAS, star of Spike TV's series "Tut"

THE BIGGER PICTURE with Timothy Spangler show

Summary: ALEX LYRAS, star of Spike TV's series "Tut," is our special guest this Sunday night! ALEX has starred in two independent features: "Heterosexuals," a comedy concerning three couples in three disparate stages of love, starring Natasha Lyonne, Ashley Williams, Tovah Feldshuh, and Kevin Meaney; and "Mona," a modern day "Jules & Jim," starring Adrian Martinez and Neal Jones, which won Best Picture at the Malibu Film Festival. He was most recently seen as General Yuya in the TV mini-series "Tut." Other TV credits include "Captain Blackout" and "Californication." ALEX has written and performed three previous solo performances that have been produced in New York and Los Angeles. "Desperelics," his first, addressed the hyperventilation 20-somethings experience trying to find their place in a post-graduate world. "Unequalibrium" forced five unlikely characters together in a post 9/11 botched murder robbery. The play was selected for publication in "New Playwrights: Best Plays" and "Best Men's Monologues For the Twenty First Century." "The Common Air," linking 6 characters during an airport delay due to a possible security breach, was developed in Los Angeles, where it was nominated for numerous Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle, LA Weekly Ovation awards, and ran off-Broadway. Most recently, he performed Mike Daisey's "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs," also on both coasts. In his latest play, "Plasticity," a comatose man re-emerges into consciousness in a multilayered, multimedia theatrical event about the miraculous power of the brain to re-wire and heal itself. The world premiere of "Plasticity" opens January 28 for an eight-week run at the Hudson Guild Theatre. Hear our live interview with ALEX LYRAS this Sunday evening!