Ep. 61: The Positive and The Push- How Community Helps You reach Your Goals- with Cassie Remington

The Mommy Project show

Summary:     I love to talk to moms about being active, postpartum weight loss hacks and getting back to feeling good and confident. Pregnancy is awesome, but it takes a toll on a moms body. So- how have women approached this postpartum weight loss journey? What are some things they have tried that worked and did not not work... And how does Cross-Fit play a role in this mom's life? Going from 40lbs over weight due to pregnancy- to now owning a gym and looking every inch the part of a cross-fitter, Cassie Remington shares her story with us on The Mommy Project. We discuss: why women are so intimidaed by jumping.. post partum problems only women understand weight loss and nutrition who hates meal-planning Why owning a gym does not exempt you from still doing the work How taking a risk and opening up a new cross-fit gym has effected her family and community. How marriages have been healed or strenghten through this community. Plus More...   Community- Positive Energy- Pushing You to Past the Intimidation, Past the Plateaus, Past the Excuses - Cassie Remington knows what it means to take a risk, do life with others and be a cheerleader for other women.