Ep. 65: How to Stop a Crazy Day and Kicking Tension out of the Kitchen, plus Solo-Parenting is No Joke!!

The Mommy Project show

Summary: This episode is part recap of last week's episode and part sharing what a recovering unadventerous, dull-minded mom has done to create fun in the house.... esp. while daddy is out of town. *note: Hey- You Single Moms- Cudos to you for doing this gig day in day out by yo-self! Seriously! God must have special jewels and crowns in Heaven for you.  Crazy moments often happen in the mornings and the dinner hour- at least at my house. When it comes to creating a home filled with Grace, Peace and Fun, I am at a loss. Toddlers to teenagers- moms across the spectrum could use a How-To Guide, a How-To stop the crazy cycle before it escalates to full out tantrums and raised voces. Before the tension gets to the point we second-guess why we became a mother. Here is where a how-to guide and a good dose of tea-time with God helps!   Taking ideas from Courtney DeFeo's book, In This House we Will Giggle- I practice trying to have more fun with my kids. I am not a naturally "fun" person, at least I don't consider my self the initiator of fun, BUT I want to change. In fact- when the roles were divided up in the house- and I found myself  in the role of late-night feeder, monitor of who gets water, who needs clean sheets, who's butt needs to be wiped, while my husband took on the more lively role of storyteller, tickler and all things fun.  As a Mom- I feel myself becoming more like a hall-monitor who wears skin-tight bossypants. And my kids are growing up seeing me fuss more than cuddle, and that is not okay. I don't want my husband to be the only one who gets the "fun" reputation, while I remain a "stick in the mud." So here is what I have done So Far-- Dance parties are super popular- because they work! - Sing (great soundtrack) -make a Playlist for every mood. Here are a few titles from my Sportify playlist library: Crazy Tense Kitchen (lots of Pop and Fun-Kid friendly music), The Mean Reds (Blues becasue I love the Blues) Crazy Ira (an Eclectic Sort of music genres).  - Washable markers and letting kids draw on your face.  - Go get a Ice Tea or Water from Sonic- Go Anywhere - Use the ABC Scripture cards as a game or fun at bedtime.  -Buck Up! ignore your inner -critic and embrace the chaos- take all the kids: whether it is one or 16 somewhere. The house is lovley, but the walls can feel clausterphobic after awhile.  -Go outside A Ton! Rain, Snow, Heat Waves and Humidity- those kids and you need fresh air and nature! I am giving away- a copy of Courtney DeFeo's book- In this House We Will Giggle AND the gorgeous ABC Scripture Cards- as a gift to you! To Enter into the drawing go to my instagram page @themommypro for details!!