5/25/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: Ben Shapiro, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Wire fills in for Mark. The Trump administration will now be appealing the 4th Circuit Court ruling on the travel ban to the Supreme Court. The rationale of the court is nothing but tyranny. What the court is basically saying is that they don’t like President Trump therefore this is not good law. What the 4th Circuit ruling says is says is that foreign citizens have rights under the constitution and if your feelings are hurt that is unconstitutional. Trump should just enforce the law and enforce it in violation of 4th Circuit ruling. The President may lawfully suspend immigration when deemed appropriate; Barack Obama actually did this in 2011. In addition, one of the reasons you are seeing the rise of terror in Europe is because of un-vetted Muslim immigration. The terrorist in Manchester, Salman Abedi, was traveling back and forth to Syria and became radicalized and then returned to the UK to inflict carnage. The left is very upset over the desire to vet Muslim refugees. Courts have been very cold to the Trump travel ban but have been very warm to Barack Obama’s immigration policies which have caused crisis. The fact is, an open borders policy causes America and its people harm. After that, Media Matters and the left are now driving a campaign to take Sean Hannity off the air. They are pursuing every effort to boycott him and cause advertisers to drop off from his show. Media Matters has been designed to go after the Right and those with conservative viewpoints. Later, Greg Gianforte, a Republican running in Montana made a real mess Wednesday. Gianforte allegedly body slammed the Guardian's Ben Jacobs. In a civilized society, might doesn’t make right and it is a bad thing to violate someone’s right to be free of violence. The left is now being hypocritical in going after every Republican to see what they have to say about this. However, in the case of Bob Etheridge in 2010, the left and Democrats defended his physical confrontation against a student asking him a question. The case of supporting bad behavior as long as the person is in your camp has to stop.