6/29/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski don’t have legitimate criticisms of President Trump, they endlessly attack and smear him. If you relentlessly attack the character and integrity of a man, that man will push back whether he’s President or not. None of this improves healthcare or secures the border, but all day long this was the media’s focus. This is how you know the country is unraveling. Also, the parents of Charlie Gard, a terminally ill baby, lost their final appeal in the European court of human rights, which meant their son's life support would be switched off and that decision was final. Centralized planning on health care results in rationing and that affects the sickest among us. There is nothing compassionate about government run healthcare and waiting lines. This could be the future in America and the Republicans won’t reverse course. Finally, an illegal immigrant in Virginia was charged in killing an innocent Muslim teenager with a baseball bat. These debates about securing the border aren’t a joke. This is a debate about our safety and security, it’s not humane to have open borders. The media downplayed this story because illegal immigration affects everybody no matter what your religion is.