6/30/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: President Trump’s tweet about Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski has taken us away from the big successes of his administration in the last few days. There were laws that were passed that will save lives. The House passed Kate’s laws, there’s a crackdown on sanctuary cities and the travel ban is in effect. But the entire news cycle hasn’t mention any of this. Let’s focus on the business of America! Kate’s Law says if you deport an illegal alien and they return, there is a 5 year minimum federal prison sentence. Although the Left believes this is unfair, not only will be saving American’s job but we could be saving American lives. Also, sanctuary cities basically say screw the federal law. Federal grant money will be withheld from Sanctuary Cities with the new law that has been passed. Many are now saying this law puts our cities safety in peril by telling them how to police themselves. Illegal aliens are criminals. The moment you come into this country illegally you are a criminal, you are not a victim. Later, 2 dozen Democrats are getting behind an actual bill to lay the foundation for removing Trump for being mentally 'incapacitated.' There’s one problem, they would need VP Mike Pence to agree to this. This is nothing more than the left trying to undermine Trump. Finally, Eric Bolling calls in to discuss his new book, The Swamp: Washington's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can Drain It.