1/2/18-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: On Tuesday's Mark Levin show, Ben Ferguson of WREC in Memphis, Tennessee fills in for Mark. President Trump’s America first policy is clear – he will call out countries that take advantage of America and will expose them. It’s also clear that Trump will support people who stand up for their freedoms, just like the people of Iran are doing. Yet, the democrats and the media are not criticizing forces in Iran killing innocent protestors, but are criticizing Trump claiming he is meddling in Iran. The point that Nikki Haley, Mike Pence and Trump are making is that they are not going to let Iran get away with the Iran deal and sit and act like the struggle of the Iranian people is not an opportunity to help them out. It is time to give reform and freedom the Iranian people, and this is exactly what we want Trump to do. Also, the Iranian security forces are killing, beating and jailing the protestors, yet they won’t go away. This is what the regime in Iran does. The media and Susan Rice want Trump to be quiet, but why would the President say nothing? True leaders speak out and support others fighting for their freedoms around the world. In addition, it is fair to blame Barack Obama for what is going on in Iran today, because he did not support the original uprising in 2009. Obama also enabled the Iranian regime by approving the Iran deal and sending Iran $400 million in cash in exchange for hostages. Later, Trump made it clear that $255 million in funding for Pakistan is not going to happen because they are harboring terrorists. We are not to going to be taken advantage of by Pakistan as they have been deceitful towards America. If you are an ally of the U.S. then you should treat us like one.