1/4/18-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: On Thursday's Mark Levin show, We have people sitting down with liberal authors and promoting themselves at President Trump’s cost. There is no excuse for what Steve Bannon. If you have worked for this President or any president, you should have enough respect and decency not to undermine him. The Democrats are already trying to undermine Trump, we don't need anymore. We are in an eyelash of the progressives controlling everything and should appreciate that Trump has aligned with much of the conservative agenda. Also, the Mercers are cutting off all funds to Bannon and the board of Breitbart is discussing whether Bannon should stay. The lesson is that if you live by the liberal media you die by the liberal media and Bannon has damaged himself by the way he has handled this. After that, conservatism is not dead but is based on Americanism which is about unalienable rights which come from God. People coming up with other ideologies are wrong as shown by the test of history. To add, when Paul Ryan was pushing the tax plan on T.V., he sounded like Warren Buffet. These supply siders are not supply siders, but they believe in cutting taxes for corporations. Real supply siders would cut taxes across the board. Many people were left out of this bill. Later, Cory Gardner wants to shut down the Department of Justice over Jeff Sessions enforcing the law when it comes to marijuana. Why isn’t Gardner taking a stand on Obamacare or anything else when it comes to federalism? The states should do whatever they want according to him, yet they can’t do whatever they want with Sanctuary Cities or the Second Amendment.