RB085: Overcoming Pathological Sedentism with Chad and Brenda Walding

Rebooted Body – Healthy Eating, Functional Fitness & Behavior Psychology show

Summary: [powerpress]<br> <br> I am back from my family vacation in Destin, Florida and I am so excited to welcome back to the show physical therapists Chad and Brenda Walding of Alchecmy Fitness and Flow in Austin, Texas. These two are also the faces behind The Paleo Secret, an awesome blog to get you thinking about movement, eating well and changing your mindset about how you move throughout your day. We cover a lot of information surrounding being sedentary and how detrimental that is for your health. <br> <br> These guys have written a new e-book called The Sitting Solution which outlines how to move throughout your day to help correct postural imbalances, relieving pain and helping prevent injury. They have a great understanding of the body and just how destructive living a sedentary lifestyle is to it. It was a blast listening to them discuss ways to correct the sedentary issue that is so prevalent in society. <br> Some questions I got to ask were:<br> <br> * Why are stand up desks and exercise balls for chairs not enough?<br> * What are the negative impacts of sitting? Is it really that bad?<br> * What is the deal with stagnation vs adaptation? What is the difference and how does it affect the body?<br> * What are functional movements and how do you assess them?<br> * What is the Sitting Solution? What are some interventions we can do to counter the effects of sitting?<br> * What are some examples of exercises to do in The Sitting Solution? What else comes with it? (Anti-Inflammatory Guide, Shopping Guide, The Truth About Back Pain, The Secret to Sexy Shoulders, The Simple Solution to Pain Free Joints and Guide to Fats)<br> * What is the correct way to foam roll? What's the best way to use a roller? What is the best way to use it for the spine?<br> * How much total time investment do you need to make during the day? <br> <br> Mentioned on the Show:<br> <br> * <a href="http://www.mycravingscode.com" target="_blank">Shut Down Your Sugar Cravings </a><br> * <a href="http://alchemyfitnessandflow.com/" target="_blank">Alchemy Fitness and Flow</a><br> * <a href="https://rebootedbody.com/sittingsolution/" target="_blank">The Sitting Solution</a><br> * <a href="https://rebootedbody.com/?s=walding" target="_blank">TRB044: Physical Therapist Chad Walding Talks Healthcare, Food as Medicine, and Much More…</a><br> * <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/30-30/id505863977?mt=8" target="_blank">30/30 App</a><br> * <a href="https://www.facebook.com/SittingSolution?fref=ts" target="_blank">Sitting Solution on Facebook </a> <br> * <a href="https://rebootedbody.com/sittingsolution" target="_blank">Rebooted Body Sitting Solution Affiliate Link</a><br> <br> Support the Show:<br> Do you want to support the show? We’d love your help. Click <a href="rebootedbody.com/sponsor" target="_blank">here</a> for information or visit <a href="rebootedbody.com/sponsor" target="_blank">rebootedbody.com/sponsor.</a><br> Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts/feelings/obstacles/struggles/etc. below.