Harrison Tucker on Plant Powered Long Distance Skateboarding

Thought For Food Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> Ultra-Endurance Long Distance Skateboarding. Yep. I hadn’t heard of it either. This small but blossoming sport - called ‘Long Distance Pushing’ - is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard of, in such a cool way. This week’s guest specializes in the 24-hour race, completing upwards of 200 miles. Harrison is a professional athlete through and through, following a fully structured and periodized training program, dialing in his nutrition to maximize performance, and is fully sponsored. And to top it off, he just turned 17. Crazy right? Harrison is also completely plant-based, fueling his training and racing on a mostly raw vegan diet. We met up in Boulder while he was out here looking at colleges, and I immediately knew I wanted to do a podcast with him, so he called in from his home city of NYC. In the conversation we talk about:<br> <br> * what the sport of Long Distance Pushing is all about<br> * how he got into this crazy event<br> * what’s involved in his training<br> * how he shifted towards a plant-based diet and how that affects his training and racing<br> * what his daily diet looks like<br> * and plenty more!<br> <br> <br> <br> It was a really fun conversation that helped me get a sense of a really cool new sport, and get to know the super cool dude that is Harrison Tucker. I hope you guys enjoy it just as much!<br> <br> <br> <br> Want to support the show and what TFF is doing? You can share our content with friends and family if you feel like they could get something out of our message. It would also help us out a ton if you left a quick review on the iTunes store, it really helps the podcast grow and reach more listeners (and it only takes 5 min)! If you want to go above and beyond, you can kick us some change by pledging your support on Patreon each month, which is a recurring crowd funding site dedicated to creators like us! It allows us to keep putting out the free content that you're used to, but helps us to invest more money into improving the quality of the show through better equipment (every penny we make on Patreon goes to bettering our setup to make the content better for you!). You can also visit <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="https://www.tfflifestyle.com/support" target="_blank">tfflifestyle.com/support</a> to learn more and make a one-time donation.<br> <br> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=3791094&amp;redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fpatreon.com%2Fthoughtforfood" target="_blank"></a><br> <br> If you haven't already, be sure to check out our YouTube channel, <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3Z3kL6Nsbhb0AY8mzpQhA" target="_blank">Thought For Food TV</a>, where we just posted a makeup tutorial. I'll leave it at that for now. We also put up regular vlogs and other cool videos so you can get a behind the scenes look at TFF. It's a lot of fun!<br> <br> Our new eBook, Dude Where Do You Get Your Protein? is going to be for sale soon on our website, so stay tuned for that!<br> <br> We really appreciate all the support guys, so don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter so we can engage more with all of our awesome supporters. This is such a fun thing we're doing, and it's even cooler that we are having a meaningful impact on people's lives. So thanks!<br> <br> Enjoy the show and go eat some plants.<br> <br> -Jackson and Aaron<br> Show Notes<br> Connect with Harrison:<br> <br> Instagram: @harrison_nyc<br> <br> Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/harrisonnyc/" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/harrisonnyc/</a><br> <br> Follow TFF:<br> <br> <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="http://facebook.com/tfflifestyle">Facebook.com/TFFlifestyle</a><br> <br> Instagram: @tfflifestyle<br> <br> YouTube Channel: <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="https://www.youtube."></a>