Clare Gallagher on Leadville, Coral Reefs, and Finding Your Path

Thought For Food Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> This week's guest is one interesting and badass chick. Clare Gallagher is a Princeton grad, studying coral reef ecology in Thailand. She also ran track for the school and struggled with the culture and pressures of collegiate running. After she graduated, she spent time in Thailand and spontaneously decided to run a 50 mile race, sparking her love of ultrarunning. She then won the prestigious Leadville 100 in 2016, shattering the previous women's record and placing 5th overall in the grueling race. Clare is energetic, passionate, and laughs a lot - she truly has found her path with trail and mountain running. It was truly a pleasure to sit down with her and hear about the ups and downs of her path and to get to know this upcoming legend in the sport of ultrarunning. This is a conversation about grit, determination, and getting uncomfortable. About loving what you do and doing what you love. We talk about:<br> <br> * her interest in the natural world, starting with studying coral reef ecology in Thailand<br> * the experience of that first ultra she did in Thailand and how that sparked her love for the sport<br> * taking a leap of faith to pursue your path<br> * pushing the limits of what you think is possible<br> * her recap of Leadville<br> * nutrition talk (aka why she eats frosting while running)<br> * rapid fire questions!<br> <br> If you want to see more of Clare, REI made a super rad video profiling her! Check it out below. I also asked her a few more bonus questions in my vlog on YouTube which is also below, so watch that for some more footage. Thanks again to Clare and enjoy the episode!<br> <br> Go eat some plants, and do epic shit.<br> <br> -Jackson<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Want to support the show and what TFF is doing? You can share our content with friends and family if you feel like they could get something out of our message. It would also help us out a ton if you left a quick review on the iTunes store, it really helps the podcast grow and reach more listeners (and it only takes 5 min)! If you want to go above and beyond, you can kick us some change by pledging your support on Patreon each month, which is a recurring crowd funding site dedicated to creators like us! It allows us to keep putting out the free content that you're used to, but helps us to invest more money into improving the quality of the show through better equipment (every penny we make on Patreon goes to bettering our setup to make the content better for you!). You can also visit <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="" target="_blank"></a> to learn more and make a one-time donation. We also have new shirts over on the shop page, but are selling fast!<br> <br> <a href=";" target="_blank"></a><br> <br> If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts to get the new episode right as it comes out. Also, subscribe our YouTube channel, <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="" target="_blank">Thought For Food TV</a>, for daily vlogs in March and other cool videos so you can get a behind the scenes look at TFF. We're nearly at 1,000 subscribers, so help us out and click that little red button!<br> <br> Do you get enough protein? Our new book, Dude, Where Do You Get Your Protein? is available now! Check it out at <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="" target="_blank"></a> and enjoy this amazing resource for everything there is to know about protein.<br> <br> We really appreciate all the support guys, so don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook,