Sherlock Holmes – Out of Date Murder. ep181, 450917

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Seeking some rest and relaxation, Holmes and Watson refresh themselves, but Holmes is never too run down to take on a new mystery. Lady Clavering’s husband has been missing for years, and wants help in declaring him legally dead. Is there some clever advice Holmes might offer to get around the law? That’s not Holmes style. <br> Birds, bon fires, and the beauty of nature continue to soothe our detective heroes. Threats from the brother get Holmes riled up, but the experience leaves him refreshed. Exploring the eerie depths of a cavern, Watson manages to discover a new cave, complete with a body. Can it be the missing man? The hundred year old corpse, and diary seem to mirror the events of the current situation of a missing person, whose wife is cheating on his brother. Holmes begins to doubt the corpse is all that old. <br> Trapped by a cave in, Holmes signals for help with a bird call, and a bon fire discloses a clue. When the cops arrive, he may already have the mystery figured out, so its off to confront Lady Clavering. Secrets are exposed, criminals are captured, and Holmes contemplates the quiet retirement as a beekeeper. <br>