Sherlock Holmes – Problem of Thor Bridge. ep183, 451001

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Paying a visit to Holmes, Watson finds his friend in a gay mood, and on a new case. Holmes lays out the details of the murder in the governor’s mansion. In interviewing the suspects, Holmes is fearless, and not swayed by bluster, and pompous attitudes. <br> On the expansive estate, Holmes picks up where police investigations have failed so far. Clues come together for Holmes. With the massive collection of fire arms, will it be possible to find the murder weapon in the midsts of them? Wouldn’t it be just as easy to simply have tossed the weapon in the lake? <br> What final clues will emerge? Holmes has it figured out, and it’s time to gather in the courtroom to bring it all together. Holmes makes his case, and presents the judge with the evidence, and the killer. Still need clarification? Holmes breaks it all down for the likes of Watson. <br> <br>