FDN Support Talk Radio

The Functional Health Coaching Show show

Summary: Practitioner Spotlight Episode with Daniel Walsh Daniel’s story starts out much like that of most FDN Practitioners. He decided to change careers after he had overcome some extreme health challenges. At 35, Daniel, a certified EMT, suffered a heart attack (V-Tac, or raising heart beat) from taking a concentrated ephedra supplement (weight loss/fat burner). This led to three days in a cardiac unit and a long path of pharmaceutical management to keep tachycardia/A-fib under control. After 9 years Daniel developed anxiety, a 45-lb weight gain, GERD, chronic knee inflammation, and high cholesterol. He was taking multiple medications like they were candy. Daniel’s passion is helping people with chronic issues–autoimmune to Lyme. Besides being a FDN-P, he is a certified western clinical herbalist, IIN health coach and EMT. He has been very successful with a lot of people over a relatively short period of time by using FDN’s foundational components and some very specific components as a clinical herbalist.