Setting daily disciplines and the broad perks of entrepreneurship – Erik from The Mastermind Within

Fire Drill show

Summary: Today's episode is a special one. Like, seriously special.<br> <br> Not only do we get to sit down with Erik from The Mastermind Within, who is a multi-business entrepreneur, house-hacker, consultant, and financial blogger...<br> <br> But we also get to see who Gwen is dating.<br> <br> **gasps**<br> <br> (Here's a hint: IT'S ERIK.)<br> <br> Today we dive into...<br> <br> Who is Gwen dating?? Who is Erik dating?? (hint hint hint: EACH OTHER.)<br> How Erik first got into FIRE<br> How Erik "house-hacked" his college rental situation<br> Personal development through daily discipline<br> <br> Enjoy!<br> <br> <br> Show notes and links from today's episode<br> <br> Erik's site - The Mastermind Within<br> Financial Samurai - one key influence on Erik's personal finance path<br> The Millionaire Fastlane - Fantastic crossover business // finance book. Focused on wealth through entrepreneurship<br> The Miracle Morning - Wake up and get self-development out of the way ASAP.<br> The Slight Edge - Daily discipline = success<br> Kombucha Tea - Fermented and delicious :)<br> Gwen's comment on Erik's blog (see below)<br> <br> so smooth ;)<br> Key takeaways from our chat with Erik from The Mastermind Within<br> 1 - Couples that spreadsheet together, stay together.<br> Ok, so this isn't a super huge clutch takeaway, but it is funny ;-)<br> <br> Actually, this is important.<br> <br> Staying on the same page financially is a key component to any healthy relationship. Money can be a huge stressor, and managing money across two human beings can multiply that stress, if you aren't careful.<br> <br> Spreadsheet together. Budgets are sexy ;-)<br> 2 - Erik's "Jump in and see what happens" attitude.<br> Impulsive tendencies. Both Erik and Gwen have a fairly aggressive attitude towards pursuing things they want. Both in relationships, real estate deals, etc<br> <br> Within a week of saying he wanted to buy a house, Erik was under contract for a house. Less than 2 years later, he's super thankful.<br> <br> Though risk should definitely be considered always, good fortune generally favors those who can pursue their dreams aggressively while maintaining A+ risk management. (Zeona, another podcast guest, exemplified the same traits in her AirBnB business)<br> <br> (The above sentence is likely from a fortune cookie somewhere, yes?)<br> <br> Allow yourself to get excited about things. What's the worst that could happen? Could you reverse that worse thing should it actually happen? What's the potential upside?<br> <br> Go do things. Live and learn.<br> <br> #fortunecookie<br> 3 - Forget money. Entrepreneurship is fun, and will teach you a ton.<br> Starting a business sounds like a thrilling idea for many, but often gets UBER overwhelming, time-consuming, and ultimately not profitable...turning people off.<br> <br> Erik brings up an important though: Starting a business can be fun.<br> <br> Hard and scary? Most definitely. High chance of failure for each venture? Probably. You'll get a taste of marketing, sales, pricing, finance, content, branding, 1,453 other thing?<br> <br> Yes. You will.<br> <br> Win or lose, money or no money, you will absolutely learn something valuable.<br> 4 - Discipline is crucial to self-development and "success" (whatever that means to you)<br> "It's the positive things you do every day that make the big difference." - Erik<br> <br> This reminded us of an old dieting adage: The best diet is the one you'll stick to.<br> <br> Erik mentioned a number of key books (see shownotes above) that has demonstrated daily discipline as a key ingredient to the personal success pie.<br> <br> Which is a real thing, as corny as it sounds.<br> <br> Whatever your personal goals are,