Cryptocurrency investing explained on a 9th grade level – Chris from Debt Free Geek

Fire Drill show

Summary: Cryptocurrency investing. Let's talk about it.<br> <br> This particular subject can be crazy overwhelming and complicated, but today's guest just so happens to be smart enough to help us out! <br> <br> Chris from Debt Free Geek is an internet security expert by day, as well as a fellow financial independence seeker with a great debt story and an equally impressive understanding of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.<br> <br> So let's talk crypto.<br> <br> (Also, we chat about Chris's $18,000 car "flip," which he used to pay down an additional $11k on his mortgage.)<br> <br> Chris is a brilliant and nice guy, so we hope you learn a thing or two!<br> <br> For show notes and takeaways, head here: