How Ariana from Points Chaser luxuriously travels the world

Fire Drill show

Summary: Would you spend $300,000 a month to travel the world luxuriously?<br> <br> "Uh I'm not Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerburg?"<br> <br> Today's guest is here to tell you that you don't have to be. Ariana from Points Chaser has gone one step beyond travel hacking. She is a teacher and blogger of luxury travel hacking, and specializes in "manufactured spending."<br> <br> Hence her ability to spend over $300k in a single month and fly to Hawaii and Australia in a freelance writer.<br> <br> No billions required.<br> <br> We chat about...<br> <br> The 2 steps a beginner should take regrading luxury travel hacking<br> Gift Card Churning (what is it? How how how how how??)<br> Why flexibility is king (even for non-FIRE folks)<br> Why she wants to write a best-selling novel (similar to Money Penny)<br> and how J is potentially weird :)<br> <br> Ariana is amazing. Enjoy the show!<br> <br> Want summaries in text form? Links mentioned? Head here: