[Bonus bowerbird episode]: Collected cut stories, feral cats, festive heart attacks, Croque-MonScience, bloopers, and more misc.

Interronauts show

Summary: For fear of wasting food, have you ever scrounged about in your fridge, gathering ingredients like a feasting bowerbird and bungled them together into an oddly satisfying meal? Not sure why that's relevant, because here's a bonus episode of our podcast, Interronauts! In this episode we talk about how living on farms helps symptoms of asthma and allergies,  festive heart attacks, being over-run by ever so destructive feral cats,  defining all of plants,  and a pocketful of bloopers, misc and bonus tatters. We also speak with Angus Macoustra about CSIRO's new supercomputer (Bracewell).Give us a rating on iTunes.Find the show notes at our blog | Send us a message or follow us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter | Instagram | Or send us an email: socialmedia@csiro.au.