Yours Truly Jonny Dollar – Virginia Beach Matter. 500831

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: How does an insurance investigator turn into a bodyguard? A dame has a fiancee who is getting out of prison, and she doesn’t want to continue the relationship. Will her gangster boyfriend feel the same way? Janice Browning has a life insurance policy that the company would like to protect, and keep from paying out. Johnny thinks Janice ought to flee to a larger town, where she can hide. <br> A snooping neighbor, Betty, uncovers some details that Johnny could use in his protection. Just then gunshots blast through the air. Who’s body will be found? Who is the homacidal maniac bent on getting even with Janice? Secrets are exposed, lies are uncovered, but will Johnny just walk off the job? Of course not. It’s time to take this game to the other guys side of the court. <br> The body count rises, the plot thickens, and the tale grows more twisted. Blackmail lays at the root of the threats on Janice’s life. What move will the killer make next? Can Johnny intercept him, and save the day? <br>