Sherlock Holmes – The Notorious Canary Trainer. ep173, 450423

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a fishing trip, at a little country inn, Holmes and Watson enjoy giving their minds a rest from crime fighting. They meet a pretty young girl, a young diplomat, and a pair of annoying canaries who are the target of murder by more than one person. <br> When the owner of the birds recognizes Holmes as the man who put him away for a crime years ago, he plans to be the first to act. From behind closed doors, there’s a murder confession, and a gunshot, but who was killed and why? <br> The girl is gone, as is the diplomat. Their connections are easy for Holmes to determine, but the confused Watson thinks the matter is still a mystery. Was the confession meant as a suicide? Where is the body? Holmes knows, but first he has to lay a small trap to expose the killer, and reveal how it was done. <br>