Working with Environmental Justice Communities (Audio)

Citizens' Climate Lobby show

Summary: <br> CCL’s climate and environmental justice action team works to help our volunteers learn more about the history and background of environmental justice and climate justice groups.<br> These groups represent communities that have been underrepresented, underpaid, and under-serviced since the beginning of the U.S. It is important within CCL's outreach work that these voices are included in our work to ensure that any proposed policy protects vulnerable and low-income households from price increases.<br> Join David Holmquist &amp; Jim Rine from CCL's climate and environmental justice action team to learn, discuss, and practice two larger approaches within environmental justice outreach: <br> 1. Building personal relationships built on genuine interest.<br> 2. Working towards broader community engagement through shared alliances.<br> The podcast will provide participants with best practices from the field and help empower attendees to think about moving beyond diversity and into inclusion within their own groups' efforts.<br>