Cults and Star Wars Videos Scheduled to Release this Week - Sept. 2 - Sept. 8, 2017

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: <p>This is an upcoming preview of the topics related to cults and star wars videos for the week.</p><br> <p>This week are the following titles and release dates:<br>Saturday, Sept. 2 - this preview video<br>Sunday, Sept. 3 - You might be a cult if ... part 2<br>Tuesday, Sept. 5 - You might be a cult if ... part 3<br>Thursday, Sept. 7 - You might be a cult if ... part 4</p><br> <p>This is a continuation of last week's 2nd most popular upload, a tribute to Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck." In a humorous way, I try and walk you through dangerous characteristics of cult groups.</p><br> <p>Monday, Sept. 4 - NEW Rey &amp; Lor San Tekka Theory - NEW Information - Star Wars Episode 8/ The Last Jedi Theory</p><br> <p>This video will pick up several recent videos I released the last few weeks explaining my NEW theory that Lor San Tekka died for Rey's awakening. This video examines 4 new pieces of evidence I gathered in the last week to support this theory.</p><br> <p>Wed, Sept. 6 - What if ... Religion was Removed from Star Wars? - Star Wars Theory</p><br> <p>This video addresses a comment I received on my "What if the force was like Allah, the God of Islam" video. The comment suggested that we keep religion out of star wars. So this video dives into what star wars would be like with all references to religion removed.</p><br> <p>Friday, Sept. 8 - Is the Force Personal? - Star Wars Explained</p><br> <p>This video examines the ancient and modern definitions of what constitutes a person and applies that to the force, asking, "Is the force personal?" and should it be?</p><br> <p>Join the conversation:<br>Cults -<br>Star Wars -</p>