Service and Selflessness at Work: An Interview with August Turak [Podcast #027]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: <br> Have you ever wondered how to attract incredible success in business and in life? This week's episode of <a title="Subscribe in iTunes" href="" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> features my interview with <a title="August Turak" href="" target="_blank">August Turak</a>, author of <a title="Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0231160623&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=gradandclue-20" target="_blank">Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks</a>.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-100379"></a><br><br> Photo Credit: <a href="" target="_blank">August Turak</a><br> I'm not joking when I say that this book AND this interview are at the top of my favorites list. August Turak is an amazing man and you will certainly get a TON of value out of his advice, stories, and life lessons.<br> Download the Script<br> Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast.<br><br> <a title="Download the Transcript" href="" target="_blank">Download the Transcript</a>.<br> The Tip of the Week<br> My interview with August is longer than normal, so there is no tip this week.<br> Featured Content<br> In this episode, I interview August Turak and we discuss: <br> <br> * How August ended up spending a lot of time hanging out with monks.<br> * What day-to-day life is like for a monk in an abbey.<br> * Why August believes regular spiritual retreats are essential for business success.<br> * What inspired August to write his book.<br> * What it means to live with service and selflessness.<br> * How to aim past the target in business and in life.<br> * Why August believes personal development is the most important strategy in life.<br> <br> Resources Mentioned in the Show<br> <br> * <a title="August Turak" href="" target="_blank">August Turak</a> [August's website]<br> * <a title="August Turak" href="" target="_blank">@AugustTurak</a> [August on Twitter]<br> * <a title="August Turak" href="" target="_blank">August on Forbes</a> [read articles by August on]<br> * <a title="Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0231160623&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=gradandclue-20" target="_blank">Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks</a> [book by August Turak]<br> * <a title="Mepkin Abbey" href="" target="_blank">Mepkin Abbey</a> [Trappist Monastery in South Carolina]<br> * <a title="Monastic Guest at Mepkin Abbey" href="" target="_blank">Monastic Guest Program</a> [visiting Mepkin Abbey]<br> * “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – <a title="Aristotle" href="" target="_blank">Aristotle</a><br> * <a title="Louis R. Mobley" href="" target="_blank">Louis ...</a>