Why You Should Be Using Nozbe for Task Management [Podcast #113]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: <a class="featured_image_link" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/why-you-should-be-using-nozbe-for-task-management-podcast-113/"></a><br> <br> In this week's episode of <a title="Subscribe in iTunes" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/the-5-am-miracle-podcast/" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> I discuss <a href="http://www.nozbe.com/a-JeffSanders" target="_blank">Nozbe</a>, which, in my humble opinion, is the best task management system for personal productivity. If you like the <a title="GTD - Getting Things Done" href="http://gettingthingsdone.com/" target="_blank">GTD system</a> – or you simply want to get more done every day – try this.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/sign-up-for-early-notifications-for-the-launch-of-my-new-book/">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/seven-strategies-to-stay-healthy-at-work-podcast-114/">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/why-you-should-be-using-nozbe-for-task-management-podcast-113/" rel="attachment wp-att-10389"></a>Photo Credit: <a href="http://nozbe.com" target="_blank">Nozbe</a><br> I previously <a title="Evernote + Reminders" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/reminders/" target="_blank">wrote an article</a> about how I use Evernote for my notes and Apple's Reminders App for daily productivity. Well, I have been converted. <a title="Nozbe - GTD Productivity" href="http://www.nozbe.com/a-JeffSanders" target="_blank">Nozbe</a> is now my system of choice in place of Reminders and I will explain why.<br> Nozbe for Task Management<br> Whether you use <a title="Nozbe - GTD Productivity" href="http://www.nozbe.com/a-JeffSanders" target="_blank">Nozbe</a>, <a title="Reminders" href="http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4970" target="_blank">Reminders</a>, <a title="Wunderlist" href="http://wunderlist.com" target="_blank">Wunderlist</a>, <a title="Asana" href="http://asana.com/" target="_blank">Asana</a>, or any other system – you need a task manager. There is no doubt that my productivity has skyrocketed since I began experimenting with and implementing various task manager apps into my daily life.<br> If you attempt to rely on your brain to remember your to-do items, or you are still sporting an old-school paper calendar, I believe you are missing out on a huge opportunity.<br> Paperless is Key<br> I wrote a post last year about my switch to a <a title="Going Paperless" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/going-paperless/" target="_blank">paperless lifestyle</a>. However, when I ditched physical paper I did not make a full transition. I left task management to my calendar and random post-it notes strung all over my house, desk, car, wallet, bathroom, and anywhere else a post-it could go.<br> A few months ago I finally brought my system full-circle by completely letting go of all paper, including post-it notes, and let the digital cloud do all my heavy lifting.<br> Empty Your Brain<br> In my world today I have <a title="CEOs Want Artists - Not MBAs" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/creativity/" target="_blank">endless ideas</a> and energy due to my <a title="Getting Started as a Raw Vegan" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/getting-started-as-a-raw-vegan/" target="_blank">diet</a>, <a title="Building a Sustainable Exercise Program" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/building-a-sustainable-exercise-program/" target="_blank">exercise routine</a>, and <a title="The 5 AM Miracle" href="http://5amMiracle.com" target="_blank">early morning</a> wake-up calls. However, the real productivity transformation occurred when I decided to filter all of my thoughts through a digital system and then focus on my current, high-priority tasks.<br> Your productivity is only as good as your ability to follow a system. When you empty your brain by recording all of your thoughts in the cloud, you have the comfort of knowing the informatio...