July 18 2017 Issue

Neurology® Podcast show

Summary: Show description/summary: 1) Diagnosis of DWI-negative acute ischemic stroke: a meta-analysis 2) Topic of the Month: Multiple sclerosis therapeutics and pediatric multiple sclerosis patients This podcast begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the July 18, 2017 issue of Neurology. In the first segment, Dr. Kevin Barrett talks with Dr. Brian L. Edlow about his paper on the diagnosis of DWI-negative acute ischemic stroke: a meta-analysis. In the second part of the podcast Dr. Stacey Clardy focuses her interview with Dr. Emmanuelle Waubant on MS therapeutics and pediatric MS patients. Disclosures can be found at Neurology.org. DISCLOSURES: Dr. Barrett has served on the editorial boards of both Neurology® and The Neurohospitalist; receives publishing royalities from the book Stroke; and receives research support from NINDS. Dr. Edlow receives research support from Guger Technologies, NIH, American Academy of Neurology/American Brain Foundation, and the James S. McDonnell Foundation. Dr. Clardy received research support from Western Institute for Biomedical Research (WIBR). Dr. Waubant volunteers on a Novartis advisory board; serves on the editorial board of Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology; serves as editor of MSARD; receives royalties from the publication of the book Demyelinating disorders of the central nervous system in childhood; and receives research support from Roche, Novartis, NIH, National MS Society, and Race to Erase MS.