1001 Stories For The Road show

Summary: On May 1, 1868, they took Tom Dula down to the old depot in Statesville and hung him from a white oak tree for the murder of Laura Foster, Legend has it that while waiting in prison he came up with the basic chorus to the folk song that we know today as "Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley". Many still believe he didn't do it and that the killer walked free, This is his story. Sources: The Ballad of Tom Dula John Foster West Music by TJ Casey www.tjcasey.net see and purchase music here Lyrics: Public Domain catch all our shows at www.1001storiespodcast.com This weeks 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & mysteries episode is SHARK! PT 2: US vs THEM Listen here: https://audioboom.com/posts/5995217-shark-pt-2-us-vs-them This weeks 1001 Classic Short Stories 7 tales episode is THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE Listen Here: https://audioboom.com/posts/5998829-the-murders-in-the-rue-morgue-pt-1-by-edgar-allen-poe