SDH162: Finding What Lights You Up with Arabelle Yee

Podcast - She Did It Her Way show

Summary: What ignites you? Is it helping others? Is it your kids? Career? Giving guidance? Wine? Arabelle Yee, a Life Strategist and High Performance Coach, thought her passions lay in the corporate world. However, as she looked around at the excitement and joy of her coworkers at a celebration for their company's newest business venture, she found it hard to match their happiness. After spending 10 years with them, she knew nothing was wrong with the company. It was just the fact that her values were no longer in alignment with them, and she had to find something that "lit her up". She knew that whatever she decided to do, she had to work with a lot of people and provide support for them. Two years later she opened her practice as a clinical psychotherapist, and helped people with anxiety, depression, and confidence. But she quickly realized that she was taking on their problems as she worked with them, and became drained. After reevaluating her clientele she wished to have, and the type of life she wanted to live, she decided that she wanted to help people, but not at the expense of her own mental health. She also wanted freedom and flexibility in the work place. She then moved her business entirely online and wanted to help people change their mindsets. She began coaching people on improving themselves, how to live their life to the fullest, and developing confidence, among other things. With the success of her business change, people also started coming to her for entrepreneurial advice as well. Through her new clientele, she found that a lot of them shared common problems: they hadn't found their passion, didn't know their true values, and were being controlled by their fears. First she helped them become aware of a disconnect between their values and their actions and habits by asking three questions: where do you spend your money most? Time? And energy? Arabelle feels values consist of the things that are the most important in a person's life and change as they get older. She also feels that a lot of people carry "borrowed values" that they adopt from influential people in their lives and society. Her goal with her clients is to demolish the idea that values are stagnant, and find what values are true to them, and are reflected in their actions. Once she's gotten her clients to this space, she begins to help them find their purpose Come and learn more about how Arabelle helps people be the best versions of themselves and reap the benefits of a positive mindset and life! In this episode you will... Find a career path that you truly love Know how to find your own values and not adopt someone else's Understand how to go about changing the course of your life once you find your values Be aware of your thought process and how it is affecting your mood and mindset Figure out what your mindset is in accordance to money and where it came from, and if they are aligned with your values Learn how to speak and think things into existence INSIGHTS "Become aware of your money stories. What thoughts are you thinking about money and what energetic instructions are you giving out to the world. How are you blocking money? Just become aware of the things you are receiving already." - Arabelle Yee "We can sit down and complain about our situation. Or we can look at our situation and really understand where we are, because that situation is really inviting us to shift our thoughts and change our behaviors if we want different results in our lives." -Arabelle Yee "You have to meet life halfway...the other half where life comes in...we don't have control over it, but it will respond to where we are. We still need to set goals. If you don't set goals you're just going to go with the set's about being smart...and knowing my numbers...knowing exactly what I'm doing with my money...but at the same time feel like a millionaire." -Arabelle Yee RESOURCES Arabelle Yee's Website Arabelle Yee LinkedIn Arabelle Yee Facebook Arabelle Yee Instagram Arabelle Yee Twitter Dr. John Martini's Website Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard