AFP investigating Medicare data breach

Cantonese show

Summary: Australian Federal Police are to investigate claims that a vendor on the so-called "dark web" is selling Medicare card numbers for less than $30.   The government says it is taking the threat to private Medicare data seriously, but... (澳洲衛報一名記者,在黑網上花了不用 30 元,就買到自己的國民保健卡號碼 (Medicare card number),令人懷疑,究竟放在政府衛生電腦系統裏的資料,是否出現了漏洞,讓不法之徒有機可乘,盜取我們的資料。   究竟聯邦政府怎樣回答、電腦網絡私隱專家有什麽意見、而聯邦反對黨又怎樣說呢?請聽以下由溫楚良就黑網出售medicare card資料一事所做的時事報導。  )